The Place of Insight Blog

A Simple Matter of Perspective acceptance possibilities vision

Every one of us is unique. Our fingerprints are unique, our family and set of friends are unique combinations. Even the experiences we have and the...

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How to Step Out of the Trap

How do we even get ourselves into a trap? Well it starts whenever we judge our circumstances, outcomes, or people harshly and it feels like things...

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Distractions of the Past

Psychology has it place in the world.  I love psychology, even have a graduate degree in the subject.  I completely geek out on the study...

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Accomplish Anything growth possibilities success

The mistakes you think you have made do not matter.

Every day is a new day. Every moment is a new moment and a blank slate to choose how you will...

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The Truth About Beauty

Beauty is one of the most sought-after possessions in the world. How can one word build someone up, tear another down, create admiration and envy,...

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The 4 Attitudes of Success attitude growth possibilities

I have stumbled upon several ways to sabotage my own success.  Just when I think I overcome the last standing piece of self-sabotage left in...

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The World Where You Live growth possibilities vision

How would you describe the world you live in?  I’m not asking for some vague description that you heard somewhere. I want to know how...

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Becoming an Expert beliefs growth questions

We are the expert on how everyone else should live. All of us have expressed this belief at some point in our lives.  We freely...

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