What to do with Judgement and Admiration
Do you ever wonder why some people react to a comment, a situation or even a commercial and you do not? Or what about the times you get upset or excited about something, yet the people around you don’t? The truth is, you see what you are. You can only relate to those things in the world that represent a piece of you, whether that piece of you is known or repressed by you.
Take for example a social encounter where you walk away offended by another person’s apparent lack of social queues. They interrupt conversations, burp openly without an excuse me or you just don’t like the way they dress. There is a reason these behaviors rub you the wrong way. Yet, there were other people in the room experiencing the same offensive person, but they walk away with a completely different impression. Perhaps they even walk away holding that person in high regard. Funny how different people can experience the same thing and walk away with different opinions. Neither more right or wrong than the other. Each experiencing their own truth.
You can only see what you know. We can only see what we are even if what we see we do not like. Notice that you are around millions of pieces of information every single day and not every one of those will trigger a reaction in you and many of those pieces of information will not even register consciously with you. This is because you do not relate or hold that information important to who you are.
Let me put this into slightly different terms that we see and feel to some degree every day:
When you feel judgement well up inside of you it is because you are afraid that part of you may come to the surface. You fear you have that same capability within yourself. This is something you have shoved down and spent a great deal of energy keeping hidden from yourself and from the world. You think if that part of you comes out you may be ridiculed, seen as worthless or worst-case scenario become an outcast in today’s world.
Our inclination to judge others is only a judgement of ourselves. We would not feel a need to vilify a behavior, attitude or appearance if we did not recognize this potential within ourselves. This explains why we find ourselves fighting so fiercely against those things we judge as wrong. We have been fighting to keep this part of ourselves from surfacing. Once you can see that what you judge in others is only a fear you have for yourself, you can begin to move forward with an open mind. Begin to see that your judgement of others is an invitation to take a closer look at what you are hiding from yourself.
When you find yourself drawn to someone or something sparks a positive surge of energy through you, know this is something you recognize with yourself too. We admire what we desire. We desire what we are deep inside. We want nothing more than to fully step into the person we were born to be and to be that every day. When we are presented with an experience of admiration this is life’s invitation to show you what you are that you are keeping from expressing on a regular basis.
Notice the next time you feel that surge of admiration. It makes you feel good. You will find yourself saying oh I wish I could do that or I can totally do that. You would not have the vision to see it, feel it or even speak about it if you didn’t already have that piece inside yourself already. Take a deeper look at what specifically you admire about a person or a thing and look for all the ways you have shown up in the world with those same traits. Once you know what those underlying traits are, make a conscious effort to be more of that in your day to day.
If you find this helpful or know someone who needs to hear topics like these, please be sure to share. Be a life changer. You never know what may change the course of someone’s life.
- The Place of Insight
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