Happy New Day
It’s a new day. The calendar’s way of reminding us of new beginnings and an invitation to reset. Another reminder that every day is new and filled with infinite possibility if we choose to see it. There is nothing in this world that stays the same.
We choose to grow just as we choose to stay stagnant. Every single moment we choose our experience. We choose who we are and how we show up in this world. We choose our perception of this life: the joys, the pains, the connections, the lack, the shame, the love. Every moment, every day we get the opportunity to react to this life and to create our experience.
Have you ever walked through life with everything bothering you? We all have at some point. It feels like the entire world is against you. All you knew to do was to either fight with it, complain about it, or just be angry. You took all of that in and it got stuck somewhere. You even started to feel the discomfort of holding onto all those negative energies. You started looking around and all you could feel was angry at the world and the people in it. You blamed the outside world for all of your inner pain.
The more this life unfolds, the more I see that nothing can stick to me unless I allow it to. It is my choice to be mad about something. I alone choose to hold on to that anger when the moment is gone. It is my choice to also see that the moment is gone, done and complete. The only thing keeping the anger alive is me. This may seem a bit crazy to some, but if you give it a look you will see the truth. The truth that you and I alone create our reactions, our emotions and ultimately how we experience this life. No one makes your inner emotions, makes you react as you do, or makes you hold on to the thing you hold on to.
This truth is liberating and opens a whole new world to us every day. Imagine, you, choosing how you experience your life. You can either hold on to the things that appeared unpleasant or you can decide to let that unpleasant thing be fully experienced so it can flow through you then out of you as complete. When a thing flows through you completely, you become open to new experiences. The very act of holding on keeps us stuck and unable to experience anything else fully and completely. There are always new experiences knocking at your door, but we are too busy and too distracted with our holding on to see them. You can’t hold on tightly to something with all you have and expect to have a free hand to catch something new.
Choose to let go. Choose to be open. It’s like dipping your open hands into water and allowing yourself to feel its coolness or warmth or the cleansing qualities of its flow. All of these experiences of water would be lost if you tried to grasp on to it and hold on. Just like water, life is also in a continuous flow. Experience the flow, stay open and allow it to flow through you.
The new day is an invitation for us to see each day as new. We can reset, choose a new experience and flow with life’s infinite possibilities on any day. Go into this new day with an open heart and mind. Allow yourself to see each and every day as a new opportunity. Remain open to the flow of life.
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